Childbirth is a long and tiring process. Before entering that stage, you will experience signs of labor. TNot all women experience the same signs of labor.

Namun untuk mempersiapkan diri dan bersiaga dalam menghadapi persalinan, Bunda bisa memerhatikan beberapa tanda melahirkan yang mungkin terjadi pada fisik dan emosional Bunda. Biasanya tanda-tanda semacam ini terjadi beberapa minggu atau hari sebelum persalinan.
Dari segi fisik, mungkin Bunda akan merasakan perubahan pada tubuh Bunda seperti:
- Feeling back pain, abdominal pain or cramps like premenstrual period.
- It is hard to sleep.
- Increased frequency of urination. A few weeks or hours before labor, the baby will descend into the mother's pelvic bone. This condition makes the uterus lean on the bladder more often so that the frequency of urination becomes even more increased than usual.
- Thick mucus mixed with blood comes out of the vagina. During pregnancy, your cervix is covered by thick mucus. But as labor approaches, your cervix will dilate and make way for the mucus to escape through the vagina. The color can be clear, pink, or slightly bloody. But mucus mixed with blood is not always the first sign that you are in labor. This mucus can also come out when you are having sex while pregnant or do
- Feeling false contractions. These contractions are called Braxton Hicks or abdominal tightening that comes and goes. However, the tightening is not as strong as a real contraction during labor. Usually these contractions last 30 to 120 seconds. Unlike real contractions, Braxton Hicks contractions can disappear when Mommy changes position or relaxes. You will feel these contractions before experiencing real contractions. Another difference between these contractions and real contractions is that Braxton Hicks contractions are only felt in the abdomen or pelvic area, while real contractions are usually felt in the lower back and then move to the front of the abdomen.
- Changes in the cervix. The tissue in your cervix will soften or become elastic. If you have already given birth, your cervix will be easier to dilate about one or two centimeters before labor begins. However, if it is your first time experiencing this period, opening the cervix by one centimeter cannot be a guarantee that you will give birth soon.
- Water breaking. The most common sign of childbirth that most people know is the rupture of the membranes. Most women feel contractions first before the water breaks, but some start with the rupture of membranes. When this happens, labor usually follows immediately. But the danger is, if the amniotic fluid has broken, but you don't also have contractions, then your baby will be more susceptible to infection. This is because the liquid that always protects the baby from germs while in the womb has run out. If this happens, the induction process will be carried out for the safety of the baby. If you have experienced rupture of membranes, rush to the hospital. Usually, labor will occur about 24 hours after the rupture of membranes.
Emotionally, you may feel irritable or moody just like the premenstrual period.
Tips for Approaching Childbirth
Umumnya proses melahirkan terjadi pada usia hamil 9 bulan atau 40 minggu. Pada usia tersebut fisik bayi telah siap untuk menjalani kehidupan di luar rahim Bunda. Namun tidak semua wanita melahirkan pada kisaran waktu tersebut.
Jika Bunda sudah memasuki bulan ke-9 kehamilan, sebaiknya Bunda telah menyiapkan segala perlengkapan yang dibutuhkan selama persalinan. Jadi jika air ketuban telah pecah atau terjadi kontraksi, Bunda bisa langsung membawa perlengkapan tersebut, lalu bergegas ke rumah sakit. Perlengkapan yang perlu Bunda bawa meliputi:
- A bag containing clothes and toiletries.
- Baby supplies.
- Light meals.
- Books, magazines or anything that can keep you company while you wait for labor.
- Comfy pillows and blankets.
- If you want to capture this happy moment, you can also prepare a video camera with a fully charged battery and charger.
Simpan barang-barang tersebut di satu tempat yang mudah dijangkau saat kondisi darurat.
Selain perlengkapan, Bunda juga sudah harus memastikan siapa akan mendapmpingi Bunda selama persalianan . Bunda bisa memilih suami, orangtua, saudara, atau teman. Pastikan mereka siap menemani Bunda saat persalinan dimulai.
Mengetahui tanda-tanda melahirkan sangat penting bagi para ibu, terutama yang berencana melahirkan secara normal. Berbeda Jika Bunda berencana melahirkan dengan bantuan operasi caesar, yang mana Bunda bisa melahirkan bayi Bunda kapan pun selama fisiknya sudah cukup untuk dilahirkan.
Dengan mengetahui tanda-tanda melahirkan, Bunda juga akan menjadi lebih siap dalam menghadapi persalinan.