Abdominal pain that is categorized as normal is usually caused by the effects of body changes during pregnancy. You may feel sharp abdominal pains (cramps) as the uterus grows in size.
The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy can trigger this condition. Lack of fiber intake, lack of exercise, or anxiety can also cause it. If you are constipated you may feel severe abdominal pain, such as stabbing, sharpness, or cramping.Gas in the abdomen.
When pregnant, women can produce more gas than usual, it is caused by the increase in the hormone progesterone in the body. This excess gas can make the stomach feel very painful.Kontraksi palsu.
Saat hamil, wanita dapat memproduksi gas lebih banyak dari biasanya, hal ini disebabkan oleh peningkatan hormon progesteron dalam tubuh. Kelebihan gas ini dapat membuat perut terasa sangat nyeri.
NahHowever, mothers should be aware that abdominal pain can also be a sign of pregnancy complications. Usually, dangerous abdominal pain is often accompanied by fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, severe headache, unclear vision, bleeding, strong abdominal cramps, vaginal discharge, swelling (of the face, hands or feet), pain when urinating, difficulty urinating, or blood in the urine.
This condition can also be dangerous if it does not improve after resting or if the pain makes it difficult to breathe, speak or walk.
- Miscarriages. The abdominal pain you may feel may feel like cramping, the pain can be mild or sharp, or it can be more like lower back pain. Before experiencing abdominal pain, a miscarriage may be characterized by a bloody discharge from the vagina. Abdominal pain is a sign of miscarriage that can occur in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy.
- Ectopic pregnancies. If the sharp abdominal pain occurs on one side of the abdomen, it can indicate that you have an ectopic pregnancy.
- Placenta abruption. This is a life-threatening condition in which the placenta partially or completely separates from the uterus before the baby is born. Placental abruption may be characterized by cramps or contractions that do not go away. This condition also sometimes causes bleeding that comes suddenly and visibly, or you may not notice the bleeding beforehand.
- It was born prematurely. This condition can occur if the mother experiences abdominal pain due to contractions (more than five contractions in an hour) or menstrual-like cramps that occur before 37 weeks of pregnancy. Other signs include vaginal bleeding, increased vaginal discharge, increased pressure on the pelvic area, or lower back pain.
- Pre-eclampsia. You are said to have preeclampsia if you have persistent high blood pressure.persistent) setelah kehamilan berusia 20 minggu, dan ada protein di urine bunda. Gejala-gejala penting yang bunda harus waspadai bila mengalami pembengkakan yang terjadi secara tiba-tiba, berat badan yang meningkat cepat, sakit kepala, dan gangguan penglihatan. Selain itu kamu dapat saja merasakan gejala lain seperti sakit perut di bagian atas perut, mual, muntah.
- Urinary tract infections. This condition may be characterized by pain in the lower abdomen or more often above the pubic bone, urination becomes painful, or urine smells foul or mixed with blood. If left untreated, this condition can lead to kidney infection or premature labor, lho!
As a layperson, it may be difficult for you to know whether your abdominal pain is normal or abnormal. So, mothers are advised to be vigilant and immediately consult a doctor if the stomach hurts.