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RSIA Puri Bunda Singaraja

Located on Jalan Komodo Island No. 6, RSIA Puri Bunda Singaraja is the first specialized mother and child hospital (type C) in Singaraja City. With a land area of more than 6000 square meters, RSIA Puri Bunda Singaraja will have more than enough space for 70 beds with various service classes. Parents are free to choose the health services to offer to their children for their health care.


RSIA Puri Bunda collaborates with various parties to serve the community. We strive to continuously facilitate access and reach of maternal and child health services through digitization and information technology.


Jl. Pulau Komodo No. 6, Banyuning, Buleleng Bali

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Visit Hours

coming soon

Suite Sita
Normal Labor Package: Rp. 20.000.000
SC Labor Package: Rp. 33.000.000

VIP Supraba
Normal Labor Package: Rp. 12.000.000
SC Labor Package: Rp. 23.000.000

VIP Drupadi
Normal Labor Package: Rp. 11.000.000
SC Labor Package: Rp. 21.000.000

Shakuntala Class
Normal Labor Package: Rp. 9.500.000
SC Labor Package: Rp. 16.500.000

Madri Class
Normal Labor Package: Rp. 8.500.000
SC Labor Package: Rp. 15.500.000

Rukmini Class
Normal Labor Package: Rp. 7.500.000
SC Labor Package: Rp. 14.500.000

24 Hours Emergency Service

Unit Gawat Darurat (UGD) Kegawatdaruratan obstetri Kegawatdaruratan neonatus Kegawatdaruratan umum

Layanan Medik Spesialis & Poliklinik

Obstetrics & Gynecology Specialist
Pediatric Specialists

Layanan Medik & Spesialis lain

Surgical Specialists
Radiologist Specialist
Clinical Pathology Specialist

Inpatient Service

Priority Inpatient
Intensive Care (NICU,PICU,ICU,HCU)
VIP Inpatient
Rawat Inap Suite
Rawat Inap Standar

Supporting Facilities

Laboratories & Radiology
Home Health Care (HHC)
Nutritionist and Puree Kitchen
Pregnancy Gymnastics Class
Lactation Clinic
Baby Massage

Plan your visit to RSIA Puri Bunda to consult with our specialist doctors. The following are actions that you can take so that your visit process can be faster, smoother, and more comfortable.

STEP 1. Know Us
Kunjungi website kami dan temukan informasi yang mungkin anda perlukan. 

STEP2. Choose your doctor

Browse through the Doctor's Schedule or Polyclinic Reservation and choose the most suitable doctor for your needs. If you would like any advice from our staff, please do not hesitate to contact us.

STEP 3. Making an Appointment
Anda bisa mengisi Form Registrasi  atau melalui whatsApp Puri Bunda Sebelum Tiba atau hubungi kami untuk menjadwalkan pertemuan. Dengan membuat janji terlebih dahulu, anda bisa mendapatkan kepastian mengenai jadwal dokter dan menghemat waktu.

STEP 4. Get your documents ready
Remember to bring the following documents when visiting Puri Bunda:
Your medical insurance card
Referral form from your doctor (if requested by the insurance company)
Your personal identity card, such as ID card, driver's license, etc.
Your medical records, X-rays, or previous test results (if requested)

PT Puri Bunda is a specialized maternal and child health service provider, which has quality health service standards in Indonesia.


Our Specialized Services

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